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APA Citation Style (6th ed.): Books and Book chapters

Books, Reference Books, and Book Chapters (APA 7.02)

Book with one author:


Allison, C. B. (1995).  Present and past: Essays for teachers in the history of education. New York, NY: Peter Lang.



Book with multiple authors or editors:


Include up to seven names in the reference:


Zehm, S. J., Powell, R. R., Garcia, J., Gambell, R. V., & Morrow, L. R. (1998). Strategies for reaching at-risk adolescents. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merrill.


Thirunarayanan, M. O., & Pérez-Prado, A. (Eds.). (2005). Integrating technology in higher education. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.


If a book has eight or more authors or editors, include the first six names, insert three spaced ellipses ( . . . ), and add the last name. For large reference works with many consulting, contributing or associate editors, include only the general editor(s) or editor(s)-in-chief.



Book with a corporate author:


National Council of Teachers of English. (1996). Motivating writing in the middle school. Urbana, IL:  Author.



Edited book:


Byrnes, M. (Ed.). (2008). Taking sides: Clashing views in special education (3rd ed.). Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill.



Electronic book:


Always supply the DOI if one has been assigned, in which case no further retrieval information is required.


Otherwise, provide a retrieval statement giving the relevant URL:


Levy, Y. (2006). Assessing the value of e-learning systems [NetLibrary version]. Retrieved from



Re-published book:


Mill, J. S. (1999). On liberty. Peterborough, Canada: Broadview Press. (Original work published 1859)



Chapter from an edited book:


Ochs, E. (1984). Language acquisition and socialization. In R. Levine (Ed.), Culture theory: Essays in mind, self, and emotion (pp. 276-320).  New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.