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National Indigenous History Month: To Read

This guide is dedicated to National Indigenous History Month and highlights the resources offered at the library that focus on the accomplishments and experiences of the Indigenous community.


In honour of National Indigenous History Month, each library on campus has created a display. Here are some highlighted resources. 

The Education and Music Library theme of Treaties highlights their Treaty Resource Kits. These kits are designed to provide teachers with information to teach about Treaties. They were developed in partnership with the Office of the Treaty Commissioner, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.

The Health Sciences Library's theme is about the History of Indigenous Healthcare in Saskatchewan and the College of Health Sciences efforts to act on the Calls to Action recommendations. 

The Law Library's theme is the Nunavut Law Program. It was delivered in partnership between the College of Law, Nunavut Artic College, and the Government of Nunavut. Students of the program graduated with a four year Juris Doctor (JD) degree, learning about both contemporary law and Inuit traditional law.

Near the Research Help Desk on the first floor, Murray Library will have two displays up in June:
  • One display for National Indigenous History Month with a theme of Language Revitalization and Preservation
  • One display for Pride with the theme of Two-Spirit Literature.

The Science Library's theme is Plant Medicine. This display highlights the four sacred plants used by Indigenous peoples in smudging, specifically sweetgrass, tobacco, sage and cedar.