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Online Learning Readiness Tutorial: Summary

Read, Communicate, Navigate, Participate

To recap, while online classes can be more challenging and demand more of your time than face-2-face or in-person classes, the level of autonomy and flexibility you have can be rewarding. In keeping with Our Learning Charter commitments, online learning provides you with many opportunities

  • to learn independently, experientially, and collaboratively with others,
  • to engage actively in the learning process through self-evaluation and reflection, and 
  • to take personal responsibility for your learning.


Of course, the activities you find in one online class might be quite different from another. Still, the more committed you and your peers are to the learning process, the tighter your learning community will become, and the more worthwhile the experience will be. Remember to read the syllabus, take note of the course expectations, ask questions if you are unsure, and above all, pace yourself. Log in to your online course daily, if possible, and three times per week at the very least. Try to find the resources and the rhythm that works for you in each course, and you will be sure to succeed.

The following video provides a few additional tips:

Source: Study Tips to Succeed as an Online Student (Jan 17, 2020), by the Centre for Innovation is licensed through YouTube 
by Leiden University

Self-Assessment Activities

To meet the commitment of engaging actively through self-evaluation and reflection, complete the following self-assessment activities.

  1. The Online Learning Readiness Questionnaire will help you determine how ready you are to learn online.
  2. The End-of-Module Quiz will test your understanding of online learning and provide your certificate of completion.