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ASTR 104 Astronomy of Planets: Home

Welcome ASTR 104 Students!

Solar System. NASA. Accessed May 4, 2017

The purpose of this guide is to help you with your term research project in ASTR 104. The main page includes resources that help you to find information related to your research topic, and the left side lists other information that may be useful for your research report.


Search the databases listed below to find information for your research project.

This online encyclopedia provides overview of the solar system.

Government Space Agencies

The websites of government space agencies include a wealth of information about the planets in the solar system. The images from these agencies are copyright free (except their logos), but you still need to cite the source!


National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States


Canadian Space Agency


European Space Agency

Solar System Exploration - Planet fact sheets from NASA

--overview articles, data, images

NASA's JPL Photojournal

You may search images by Mission, Spacecraft, Instrument, etc.