This research guide provides a great deal of information relating to data, including sources of Canadian and international data, data visualization, data analysis software, data management and many other topics.
Statistics Canada is Canada’s National Statistics Agency producing statistics on Canada’s population, resources, economy, society and culture. In Canada, providing statistics is a federal responsibility. In addition to conducting a Census every five years, there are about 350 active surveys on virtually all aspects of Canadian life and daily updates about new statistical products.
Link to 2011 and earlier online Census of Canada pubications and tables, and 2011 National Household Survey products. View release dates for the 2016 Census.
Note: for Census publications prior to 1996, go the the Government Publications collection in the Murray Library at the end of the stack ranges holding the Statistics Canada collection at CA1 BS
The annual review of major social and economic trends in Canada published by Statistics Canada. Online editions cover 1867 to 1967, and 2001 to 2012. Print holdings in Murray at call number Ref CA1 BS 11: C402 with the older years in the Murray Government Publications section on the 2nd floor.
The introduction notes that, "Censuses of Canada, 1665 to 1871, Statistics of Canada, Volume IV’ was printed in Ottawa, in 1876, from the Censuses of Canada, 1870-71. This volume contains about 350 statistical tables on the social and economic conditions of Canada from 98 Censuses of the earliest settlements to Confederation in 1867 and on to 1871. The censuses are arranged in chronological order, with explanatory notes in some cases. In most cases, there is sufficient description of the individual series to enable the reader to use them without consulting the numerous basic sources referenced in the publication.
This unique reference volume was published in 1876 as a hard copy publication and has been out of print for over a century. It is a companion piece to the later volume: “Historical Statistics of Canada, 2nd edition” (catalogue number 11-516XIE).
The Statistics Canada Library collects and provides access to the complete collection of Statistics Canada's documents produced in paper and electronic form.
This collection dates to the founding of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics in 1918. Also included in this collection are documents and publications of the various statistical divisions which merged in 1918 to become the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. These documents include census, foreign trade, industrial production, births/deaths and institutional statistics dating back to 1841