Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title. [Description of material]. Name of collection (Call number, box/file/item number, etc). Name of repository, location.
White, John M. (1916, June 29). [Letter to W.C. Murray]. President's Office - W.C. Murray fonds (RG 2001.1, B. Name and Subject Files, 73. Military Matters, Jan.-June 1916, Box 35). University of Saskatchewan, University Archives and Special Collections, Saskatoon, SK.
Carpenter, David. (1995). Annegyric. [Song by Carpenter for Anne Szumigalski roast]. David Carpenter fonds (MG 163, Box 8, Accrual #1, II. D. 2). University of Saskatchewan, University Archives and Special Collections, Saskatoon, SK.
Marlin, Ron. (n.d.). The Rhyming Horsemen of the Qu'Appelle. [Reel to reel audio recording]. Campus Radio fonds (MG 128, Box 19, IX.). University of Saskatchewan, University Archives and Special Collections, Saskatoon, SK.
The University of Saskatchewan's main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis.
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