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Open Access guide: OA Repositories

This guide will help USask researchers and students understand what open access (OA) is and how to make their own works OA.

What are Repositories?

Repositories are online, digital archives that enable free and legal "Green" open access to research products.

There are two main kinds of open access repositories:

Institutional repositories (IRs) are online multidisciplinary digital archives of an organization’s intellectual output. Most university libraries maintain IRs as a service to their institutions. IRs preserve items for the long term and make them discoverable and accessible beyond the institution. Contents of repositories can usually be discovered through a Google Scholar search. 

Subject or disciplinary repositories are online digital repositories available for the use of particular research communities. These can be maintained by scholarly societies, university libraries, or some other organization affiliated with the discipline. arXiv (pronounced "archive") is the longest-running and perhaps most successful example of a subject repository. Repositories can also be multidisciplinary but not institutional (like Zenodo).

The University of Saskatchewan's institutional repository:

What are my journal's policies on self-archiving in repositories?

Find a Repository for Your Work

Multidisciplinary Repositories

Other Repository Info

Search Across Repositories

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