Keep track of the places you have looked for information by creating a research log.
A research log will help you track where you searched, the keywords used, relevant results, etc.
To download sample research logs, checkout Capella University's Database Research Log and Scholarly Research Log.
Another useful tool for organizing your research is to use a Timeline.
Timelines are helpful for capturing important events / information in a chronological format.
Different academic disciplines follow different formats for presenting citations, so check with your instructor to make sure you are using the appropriate citation style. Here are some commonly-used citation styles:
Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS):
Chicago Manual of Style (2024, 18th edition: online or in print)
Chicago Manual of Style Online: Quick Guide
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique: As noted in the Instructions for Contributors, Referencing Style section, "the Journal uses in-text author-date citations with a references list (Chicago Manual of Style)."
Other Citation Styles
The University of Saskatchewan's main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis.
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