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Dentistry: Evidence Based Practice

Key Websites

CADTH (Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health) Evidence Bundles - Evidence on Dental and Oral Health 

Really useful summaries, some with critical appraisals, reference lists, and  technology reviews - carefully pulled together by the esteemed Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health, commonly referred to as "CADTH".  Topics include: Dental Decay Prevention, Endodontics, and Restorative Dentistry.  Worth a look!

Aetna Inc. Aetna Dental Clinical Policy Bulletins

Aetna is a health insurer. The Dental Clinical Policy Bulletins explain the dental services that they may or may not cover. They are based on objective, credible sources, such as the scientific literature, guidelines, consensus statements and expert opinions.

American Dental Association Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry

Comprehensive website including background info on evidence-based dentistry (EBD), including: systematic reviews; critical summaries; clinical practice guidelines/recommendations; and links to helpful resources. Also has an extensive background of EBD; a glossary of terms; tutorials and more.

The Centre for Evidence-based Dentistry (CEBD) is an independent body in Oxford England whose aim is to promote the teaching, learning, practice and evaluation of evidence-based dentistry world-wide. Provides starting points for understanding and practising evidence based dentistry.


Epistemonikos aims to identify all of the systematic reviews relevant for healthcare decision making.  It regularly scans Cochrane, PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, PsycINFO, LILACS, DARE, Campbell Collaboration, JBI, and EPPI Centre Evidence Library.  Very user friendly!

Clinical Practice Guidelines

ECRI Guidelines Trust.  Guidelines on medical devices can be accessed after signing up for a free account.

NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence - a British group which "provide [s] national guidance and advice to improve health and social care."

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