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English as an Additional Language: Increasing Your Vocabulary

Developing Your Vocabulary

To be successful in university, you must successfully develop and maintain a wide range of vocabulary, including academic words, discipline-specific words and, technical words. Words are the carriers of meaning, thus it is important to know words and use them effectively. Much of your vocabulary can be harnessed from your class readings and interactions with your professors and peers. Even so, there are tools and  strategies to intentionally increase your vocabulary. 

Strategies for Building Your Vocabulary

To increase your vocabulary, you must actively and strategically practice. Here are some basic strategies to help you develop your vocabulary.


Strategies for Building Your Vocabulary: Using Context Clues

 Watch the video to learn how you can use context clues to enhance your understanding and to help you develop your academic vocabulary.

Strategies for Building Your Vocabulary: Using Correct Words

Given the significance of appropriate vocabulary use in the university, it is important that you strategize and use words and expressions well to get your message across. There are four key ways that you can ensure effective communication in your academic writing and speech. In such deliveries, you should always seek to: use academic words, use collocations and academic idioms, use correct spelling, and, most importantly, use the correct word to ensure your message is sent and received. 

Review the strategies below to help you develop and enhance your vocabulary use. 

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