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Business: Business Cases

Business Cases

The University of Saskatchewan Library does not purchase individual business cases. Business cases are available from a variety of resources such as business article databases (e.g. ABI Inform), books, websites or via publishers such as HBR (Harvard Business Review) and Ivey Publishing (University of Western Ontario).

Case Study Research

HBR Case Studies

Harvard Business Review cases are available from the HBR website for purchase. HBR also sell cases produced by other institutions. Instructors are generally able to preview a case. Cases are deposited into your account with HBR. Access to academic cases expires 6 months from the date of purchase. It is therefore recommended that you save or download  a copy to your personal device. Note: The Library is unable to borrow cases from other libraries due to HBR restrictions.

HBR also produces "online courses, simulations and online tools etc which are available on the site for 12 months from the date of purchase. These resources cannot be saved or downloaded."

"HBR articles, eBooks are available indefinitely within your account.They may also be saved to personal devices."