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Kinesiology: KIN 121 Library Modules

Library orientation modules for KIN 121

Instructions for Modules

Click the links in the box below to complete each of the 3 modules for the KIN 121 Library Orientation. 

Before starting each module, make sure you correctly enter your Student Number and your instructor's name as this will be used to track your completion of the modules.

Each module must be completed within a single session - your progress cannot be saved for you to return to later.  Each of the modules should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. 

The quizzes within the modules are for marks --  a minimum of 70% is needed to pass each module.  

  • You need to successfully complete each quiz to move on in the module
  • Although you can attempt the quizzes multiple times, each incorrect answer lowers your mark.

You must complete all 3 modules by:

11:59 pm on Friday, January 24, 2024 

Library Modules