The Statistical Office of the European Communities provides the European Union with statistics. Eurostat databases and electronic publications (pdf files) are available free of charge via the website. Statistics and data are arranged in broad statistical categories referred to as “Themes” and sub-themes.
Call Number: Government Publications - ZZ EM 10: Y21
The yearbook and associated compendium publications span across either the full range or a large part of Eurostat statistical themes. These publications provide comparable and harmonised data for the European Union to use in the definition, implementation and analysis of Community policies.
Provides a historical time series of economic and statistical data for the countries of Europe for the period 1750-2000 using a variety of published sources.
HFA-DB is a central database of independent, comparable and up-to-date basic health statistics. It has been a key source of information on health in the European Region since WHO/Europe launched it in the mid-1980s. It contains time series from 1970.
HFA-DB is updated biannually and contains about 600 indicators for the 53 European WHO Member States. The indicators cover:
- Basic demographics;
- Health status (mortality, morbidity, maternal health and child health);
- Health determinants (such as lifestyle and environment);
- Health care (resources and utilization)
HFA-DB allows country and intercountry analyses to be displayed as charts, curves or maps, which can be exported free of charge to other software programs.
Surveys monitoring the evolution of public opinion in the Member states, produced by the Public Opinion Analysis sector of the European Commission since 1973.