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Mendeley Reference Manager

Mendeley Web Importer

Mendeley Web Importer allows you to directly import web pages or online documents to your Mendeley library. It is a browser extension, and is available for all major web browsers.

  1. On Mendeley Web Importer webpage, click Get Web Importer for Chrome, Edge, or Firefox (this depends on the type of browser you use).
  2. Follow the instruction and add Mendeley Web Importer to your browser.

  1. Once you add it your browser, Mendeley Web Importer icon will appear on the top right corner of your browser. Click the icon to add the webpage to your Mendeley Library.


The following steps uses Google Scholar as an example for using Mendeley Web Importer. It also applies to other databases (e.g., PubMed, IEEE, etc.) and search engines.

  1. Conduct your search in the usual way.
  2. On the result page, click Mendeley Web Importer icon  on the top right corner of your browser. It will open Mendeley Web Importer. It you have not signed in, it will ask you to sign in with your Mendeley Account
  3. The references on the result page will appear on Mendeley Web Importer. Scroll down Mendeley Web Importer, select the references you would like to import, and click Add. The selected references will be added to your Mendeley Library automatically.