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Mendeley Reference Manager

insert Reference in Word

You will need to install Mendeley Cite to use the referencing function of Mendeley. Mendeley Cite is a Microsoft® Word add-in that allows you to insert references while you are writing in Word, and generate a reference list with many different styles - all with a few clicks!

NoteMendeley Cite is compatible with Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Word versions 2016 and above and with the Microsoft Word app for iPad®. If you are using an earlier version of Word, USask faculty, staff, and students may install Microsoft Office 365 on your personal device. Click the link and follow the instructions to install Microsoft Office 365, then click tab Step 1b on this page to install Mendeley Cite.

If you have your own Word (i.e., NOT part of the University Office 365), follow the steps below to install Mendeley Cite:

  1. Click Mendeley Cite website, click Get Mendeley Cite button. This will open Microsoft App Store.

  1. You will see Mendeley Cite on Microsoft App Store. Click Get it now, and Mendeley Cite will be installed in Word.

  1. Open Word, click References group, Mendeley Cite will appear at the end. Click Mendeley Cite, a pop up window will appear. Click Get Started and log in with your Mendeley account.

  1. Once you log in, your references will appear on Mendeley Cite window. You may now  insert citations and create a reference list while you are writing in Word!



If you are using Word as part of the University Office 365, follow the steps below to install Mendeley Cite:

NoteMendeley Cite is compatible with Microsoft Office 365Microsoft Word versions 2016 and above and with the Microsoft Word app for iPad®. If you are using an earlier version of Word, USask faculty, staff, and students may install Microsoft Office 365 on your personal device. Click the link and follow the instructions to install Microsoft Office 365.

  1. Open Word.
  2. Start a Blank document or open an existing one. 
  3. On the Insert tab, click Get Add-ins.

  1. Click Admin Managed tab.

  1. Click Refresh to update the list

  1. Mendeley Cite should appear. Select Mendeley Cite

  1. Click Add.

  1. In Word, click References group, Mendeley Cite will appear at the end. Click Mendeley Cite, a pop-up window will appear. Click Get Started and log in with your Mendeley account.

  1. Once you log in, your references will appear on Mendeley Cite window. You may now  insert citations and create a reference list while you are writing in Word!