The purpose of this site is to help build your awareness and skills in specific facets of digital information literacy.
Digital information literacy is a set of critical thinking and technological skills to help you navigate the complex digital world of information.
Select the facets on the left side to navigate to pages that provide tools and resources to help build your information savvy skills!

6 Components of Digital Information Literacy
Searcher: strategically search for information
Consumer: evaluate information for accuracy, bias, credibility and other factors
Curator: collect, organize and manage information
Collaborator: work with others to evaluate, manage, create, and build upon information
Creator: create new or build upon existing information
Communicator: share information that you have collected, evaluated, and/or created
What is your digital footprint? Your footprint is the permanent digital trail of data you and others create based on your online presence and activity, including social media posts, internet searches, tweets, blog postings emails, online shopping, etc.
Look for the footprint throughout this guide. These tips will help you manage your digital identity and use it to your advantage.