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Direct / Persistent Linking to Electronic Resources: Step #1: Find Links

Step #1: Find DOI or URL

The first step is to identify a book, article, streaming video, or any other online licensed resource's DOI or permanent URL. Finding this information can be a bit tricky depending on where the resource is located.

DOIs or URLs can often be found in a variety of places including:​

DOIs or URLs can also be found in the database where the resource may have been discovered. If you wish to link to a resource via the database, click on the pdf links below for assistance with finding this information in some of the University Library's most commonly-used databases. 

What Can I Link To?

The Library licenses access to our electronic resources; some of the licenses allow for direct linking while others do not.

To see if direct linking is permitted, search for your journal title in the Library's Catalogue or via the E-Journal search.  Before connecting to the online version, the e-journal's usage rights information should be provided, as demonstrated in the link below.

Step #1 Completed!

Once you have identified the article's DOI or URL, on to Step #2! 

Review the information on the following page to create a direct link to your article.

NOTE:If your DOI or permanent URL already has one these prefixes, you do not need to complete step #2 as the URL has already been formatted to allow for off-campus access:


What are DOIs & URLs?

A DOI (digital object identifier) is a unique alphanumeric string assigned to a specific electronic resource which provides a persistent link to its location.

Some electronic resources may use a permanent URL instead of a DOI. 

Do NOT use the URL in the browser box, this is not a stable web address.  Instead, look for a URL that may be labeled as Jumpstart, persistent, stable, permalink or permanent URLs 

If you cannot find a DOI or a URL, look for the option to email the article and email it to yourself. The corresponding email message may include the citation information including a stable URL.