Topographic maps include land forms, such as contour lines and bodies of water, and cultural features such as roads, air strips, and railroads. The most frequently-used set of topographic maps for Canada is the 1:50,000 scale National Topographic Series, produced by the Government of Canada, Surveys and Mapping Branch. At a scale of 1:50,000, this series has enough detail to show individual buildings in rural areas.
All maps in the 1:50,000 series are located under the call number:
Individual maps are identified by using the indexes laying on the map cabinets or affixed to the wall near them. On an index map, the country is subdivided into squares. Each area represents each individual map in the series, and has an alphanumeric code assigned to it. Find the area you want and make note of its code. This is what you will use to find the map in the cabinet. For example, the map which includes the town of Lumsden, Saskatchewan is 72I/10. The call number for this particular map will therefore be: