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Stage 1: Getting Started: Step 4: Who to Include on the Research Team

Assembling Your Synthesis Review Team

Synthesis reviews are a collaborative effort. For most types of reviews, more than one individual is required for certain tasks (e.g., screening search results) and other tasks are delegated to individuals with specialized skills (e.g., data analysis, literature searching).

Why is sharing tasks important? It will increase the efficiency of your search and reduce the risk of error and bias.

For your review, you will need:

  • A minimum of 2 people
  • To assign roles to team members

Roles that need to be assigned for a synthesis review can include:

Patient-oriented Reviews

You may also consider including patient partners and possibly other stakeholders (policy makers, practitioners, etc) in your review to bring their unique experience and perspectives.  Saskatchewan researchers can get more information about engaging patients in research on the Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-oriented Research website.


When choosing your review team, consider the following items: