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BibTex and LaTex: Export from EndNote

Export Citations to BibTex Format from Endnote

1. Open your EndNote library, and select references you want to export to BibTex format

2. Make sure that BibTeX is an export option:

From Edit – Output Styles -- Open Style Manager...

On the next EndNote Styles screen, scroll down to the BibTeX Export entry and click the checkbox, then close the EndNote Styles window.

From Edit – Output Styles, Make sure that the option BibTeX Export is checked in the Output Styles menu as well

3. Click FileExport. this will open a dialog for saving your file

4. Navigate to the directory where you want to save your BibTex file,

   Select Text File (*.txt) from the file type dropdown menu

   Save your file as filename.bib

Note: BibTex entries exported from EndNote do not have a BibTex Key. You will need to create a key for each entry.