It is possible to set up EndNote to retrieve PDFs of full text articles with the click of a button. Although not all articles can be retrieved, this helpful tool saves you time.
Ensure you have completed the steps to connect EndNote to the Library's link resolver (instructions here).
Select the reference(s) you would like to attach full-text articles to
Click the "Find Full Text..." button on the menu bar:
EndNote will attempt to find the article. If successful, it will automatically be attached. If the process is unsuccessful, you may need to ensure the citation has been entered correctly, or find the article yourself. The results of the search for full-text are reported at the bottom of the left side-bar:
Finding an Article
If EndNote is unable to retrieve the full-text article, and you've confirmed the citation is correct, try these methods to finding full-text on your own:
Use the University Library's USearch. Try searching for the name of the article between quotation marks (" ").