A "web-based search and retrieval system for chemical compounds, bibliographic data and chemical reactions." It is is "based on data from Elsevier's industry leading chemistry databases (CrossFire Beilstein, CrossFire Gmelin and Patent Chemistry Database) now merged together to provide harmonized content." It indexes core chemistry journals covering organic, metalloroganic, and inorganic chemistry, as well as organic patent publications.
Access is restricted to current students, faculty, and staff of the University of Saskatchewan, and walk-in users, for educational, research, and non-commercial personal use. Systematic copying or downloading of electronic resource content is not permitted by Canadian and international copyright law.
ChemSpider SyntheticPages is a freely available interactive database of synthetic chemistry. We publish practical and reliable organic, organometallic and inorganic chemical synthesis, reactions and procedures deposited by synthetic chemists. Synthetic methods on the site are updated continuously by chemists working in academic and industrial research laboratories.
Some procedures describe practical methods for the preparation of specific compounds of interest, while other procedures illustrate important synthetic methods with general utility. Each procedure is written in considerably more detail as compared to typical experimental procedures in other journals, and each reaction and all characterization data has been carefully "checked" for reproducibility in the laboratory of a member of the Board of Editors.
The online version of the currently (in 2011) 23 print volume series including an A to Z listing of all reagents cited in synthetic literature with concise descriptions and illustrations of chemical reactions.
The reagents are taken up in alphabetical order (common usage names, not CAS indexing code names), sometimes several to a page, sometimes several pages to a reagent. One can expect to find how to make the reagent (in loose terms), or where it can be bought, what it is good for, and where to seek complete details. The online version includes all "information about a particular reagent is collected in one single article. Thousands of entries abstract the most important information on commonly used and new reagents, including preparation, uses, sources of supply, critical comments, references and more.