To access FAST - CLICK HERE or on PAWS go to Admin services --> UniFi self service --> FAST Finance Reporting
In the same way that your APEF is available for review in UniFi, your research fund(s) are available there as well. This can be most easily accessed through FAST and by entering your research fund number into the fund line. Alternatively, you may click on the magnifying glass on the fund line to search for your fund(s). This will then open up the current fiscal year's operating statement which you can continue drilling down into by clicking on the blue numbers.
Home/landing page
As noted in the above image, click on the Finance reporting tab with the circled green dollar sign to proceed to the below reporting tool.
To save time, on the top of the new page (above) click on the grey 'Operating statement --> Summary by Acct detail --> current year' box to arrive at a page resembling the below. Note this will have more boxes that can be filled out than shown below.
From here fill out your fund number(s) or alternatively use the magnifying glass in the fund box to search for which one(s) you would like to review. Once entered, confirm that the field with the date is for the correct period e.g. if reviewing for yearend make sure the month is April 20XX and not May 20XX as that will not show the prior year's information. Example below - note April has two periods with the year end one being for if there were any adjustments after normal closing. Example is also shown with an open drop down menu.
When on the next page specific to your search criteria, you may click on any of the blue numbers for additional detail. For example if an expense account looks higher than you think it should be you can click on the year to date (YTD) or month total to see if all of the charges are yours or if someone else's expense has been charged against your fund which happens occasionally. If you do see something awry there, alert the Financial Analyst as to the situation so that they can follow up accordingly.
The most helpful for reviewing transactions quickly and easily is by going to the "Total Revenues Less Expenses and Transfers" row which will have a clickable blue number totaling monthly and YTD transactions. This feature enables for a quick view of everything that has gone through to date in all transaction categories. Where to click is shown below in red. The green circle indicates the remaining fund balance.
On the YTD column (circled in red) the total is zero but will still show all transactions to date and only means that the funding and expenses cancel out perfectly.
The below shows a number of options to click on while in FAST
1. If you would like to go back to the previous screen
2. If the fund balance does not show up on your statement like in the example above you can see it by running the balance sheet for the fund. Simply click on this and all your previously entered fund number should carry through and allow you to click run report. If the fund number does automatically appear, research for it or enter it by memory.
3. If you would ever like to change the parameters of the report that you ran, e.g. change the fund you are looking at or search by transaction only in a specific account or activity code
4. The default view is whole dollars and so to provide a more accurate view especially necessary when clearing out the fund with final charges, click here to enable viewing by dollars and cents
5. if you would like to export your report into PDF or excel click on their respective icons
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