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Information Literacy Instructional Toolkit: Additional Teaching Resources

Additional Teaching Resources

ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Sandbox
Allows for searching, browsing, and contributing to a repository of materials related to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.

Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI)
This Toolkit maps instructional activities taught at the CARLI Instruction Showcase to the Framework.

Project CORA (Community of Online Research Assignments)
An open access resource for faculty and librarians, intended to be a collaborative space for adapting and experimenting with research assignments and sharing the success or lessons learned so that others may benefit.

Red Deer College Library
This website contains a series of pages dedicated to the major information literary frames, each containing possible course level outcomes, potential learning activities, and possible assessment or assignment ideas. 

UBC Library: Faculty Information Literacy Toolkit
The toolkit includes tips for developing a research assignment that addresses specific information literacy skills, resources and tools that assist in developing student research skills, an information literacy assignment checklist that offers a way to reflectively assess assignments, as well as examples of research assignments that focus on the information literacy skills.

John M. Pfau Library: Critical Information Literacy Laboratory for Faculty
The focus of these instructional resources is on critical literacy.

New Literacies Alliance
A consortial curricular project led by librarians from multiple institutions across the United States with the purpose to address the new literacies required for academic success and lifelong learning in an online learning platform that allows students to master skills at their own pace.

MERLOT is a large, curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community.