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[2024] Academic Integrity Tutorial: Summary


As a university student, maintaining academic integrity is vital for your personal growth and development and for reaching your full academic potential. Engaging in academic misconduct is akin to cheating yourself and can be understood as actions or behaviours that undermine your personal growth and potential. While balancing university studies with other responsibilities can be challenging, it is important not to resort to shortcuts or act in ways that compromise or shortchange your learning. Rationalizing shortcuts and convincing ourselves they are justified or harmless is a common misconduct pitfall. It is important to prioritize integrity and recognize that perseverance and hard work are essential for academic success. Prioritizing academic integrity will ultimately lead to a more meaningful academic experience.

This video is about making good decisions and avoiding shortcuts or rationalizations that can lead to making poor decisions. It encourages us to think about our purpose and personal values while acknowledging the influence of our unconscious thoughts and customs. By being reflective, we can make good choices that help us steer clear of shortcuts or rationalizations that can compromise our learning.

Source: Ethical Decision Making by The Ethics Centre on YouTube

Next Module

The next module covers what your rights and responsibilities are if you are faced with an allegation and will introduce you to the University of Saskatchewan's Policies and Procedures when academic misconduct is suspected. 

You will need the "Regulations on Student Academic Misconduct" to complete the quiz that follows. Refer to pages 5 and 6 of or use the summary below: