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[2024] Academic Integrity Tutorial: The Role of Academic Integrity

In Learning

  At the end of this section, you should be able to recognize how academic integrity supports the quality of your learning

In a study investigating how academic integrity affects learning and workplace ethics, the authors suggest,

"Academic integrity is much more than avoiding dishonest practices such as copying during exams, plagiarizing, or contract cheating; it implies an engagement with learning and work that is well done, complete, and focused on a good purpose—learning” (2020).

Take a moment to reflect on the statement above. If this is true,

  • How might maintaining academic integrity improve your learning?
  • What might the consequences be of misrepresenting your knowledge or skills?

How Academic Integrity Improves the Quality of Your Learning
Read this short blog post on "Why Academic Integrity is Important to Teaching and Learning," then answer the questions that follow. Based on the information presented in the article, say whether the statements are true or false.
Test Your Understanding

In Assessments

Academic integrity expectations are often expressed as the specific conditions under which students are expected to complete assessments. This video identifies a range of conditions, prompting you to think about how what is permitted can differ. By considering these varying conditions, you can develop a deeper understanding of the importance of adhering to the specific guidelines set for each unique assessment.

Video Summary:

Instructors design assessments to collect evidence of what you have learned and what you can do. 

Assessments are used to determine grades, yes, but also to provide feedback about how you are doing and where you need to improve.  Assessments may be designed with specific restrictions (e.g., no calculators in the exam), specific permissions (e.g., yes, work as a group on this assignment), and specific practices (e.g., use a particular citation system or follow this lab protocol).  Instructors give careful thought to what kinds of assistance are appropriate for assessments.

When what a student has learned or can do is misrepresented in some way, the assessment becomes less reliable and less valid.  The grades and the feedback mean less or, worse, become meaningless, and the quality of learning suffers.

If students access the wrong kinds of assistance or more assistance than is allowed, it usually means they have engaged in academic misconduct.

It’s important to avoid academic misconduct not only to avoid the consequences but also because the quality of your learning matters.

Q. How can you ensure you are following appropriate guidelines in various assessment contexts?