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Geology: Geological Survey Publications

Geological Survey of Canada

Government of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Earth Sciences Links:

GEOSCAN - the bibliographic database for scientific publications, this is a comprehensive listing but not all are freely available online.

Earth Sciences Publications - listed by category or search.

Major Publications of the GSC:

Call numbers for these publications in the University Library collections

Memoirs: QE185 .A2

Papers: QE185 .A45 (may include "Current Research" papers too)

(NOTE: Memoirs and Papers are no longer published, they have been incorporated into the Bulletins series)

Bulletins: QE185 .A43 or online (more recent years are often available as downloads from the "Full Description" page)

"A" Series Maps: Map 610 caq 1910 or see a full list of the "A" Series maps held at the UofS HERE. They are also available to download online.

Saskatchewan Geological Survey

Saskatchewan Geological Survey

Publications: Search, or browse all publications. Most are freely available to download.

Key Resources:

Saskatchewan GeoATLAS

GeoExplore Saskatchewan

Resource map of Saskatchewan

Major Publications:

Summary of Investigations:

Final Reports:

Open Files, Provincial:

Miscellaneous Reports & Maps:


Recent Releases:

Publications from the Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada

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State Geological Surveys Database (U.S.)

The Geological Surveys Database contains publications from state geological surveys and factsheets from the U.S. Geological Survey.

United States Geological Survey

Major Publications of the USGS:



Professional Papers:

For other USGS publications search the Publications Warehouse