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Geology: For Researchers

Selected Books on Publishing & Presenting

Open Access Information

Open access literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. What makes it possible is the Internet and the consent of the author or copyright holder.

For more information see:

Open Access Journals in the Geosciences

This is a list of open access journals maintained by members of the Geoscience Information Society. Includes author fees if applicable.

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I purchase all monographs for Geology and can also look into electronic resources and new journal subscriptions that you suggest.

Inter-Library Loans

ILL is a free service to you. Request items (that we do not have) from other libraries. Books are loans, but copies of articles you can keep!

Research Metrics Guide

Research metrics measure the impact of scholarly works. Various metrics have been developed to track the impact of individual articles, authors, and journals.

This guide will introduce you to many of these measures and how to apply them to your work: