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Past Law Course Reserves: Clinical Law

Items on course reserve for Clinical Law

Title Call Number Checkouts

At the boundaries of law : feminism and legal history / edited by Martha Albertson Fineman and Nancy Sweet Thomadsen

KF478 .A5A8 1991


Fact investigation : a practical guide to interviewing, counseling, and case theory development / Paul J. Zwier, Anthony J. Bocchino

KF8915 .Z89 2000


At the boundaries of law : feminism and legal history / edited by Martha Albertson Fineman and Nancy Sweet Thomadsen

KF478 .A5A8 1991 c.2


Law as a gendering practice / edited by Dorothy E. Chunn and Dany Lacombe

KF478 .A5L42 2000 c.2


A student guide to clinical legal education and pro bono / edited by Kevin Kerrigan and Victoria Murray

KF277 .C5S78 2011


Putting items on reserve

Although physical materials cannot be added, the process of requesting course reserve items remains the same. Please use the electronic form: Put items on course reserve for my class to add items to your course reserve lists. 

Please take note of the following reminders: 

  • Please submit your course reserve list as early as possible
  • Course reserve lists are processed in the order they are received
  • There is currently a 15 item maximum 
  • Prior to requesting items for your course reserve lists please review the USask Fair Dealing Guidelines - Copyright information.

    • The Fair Dealings Guidelines explain rules around copying and percentage of books that can be shared with your students.