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Past Law Course Reserves: Alternate Dispute Resolution

Items on course reserve for Alternate Dispute resolution


Call Number 


Alternative dispute resolution : a Canadian perspective / report of the Canadian Bar Association Task Force on Alternative Dispute Resolution

KF9084 .T37 1989


Alternative dispute resolution : a Canadian perspective / report of the Canadian Bar Association Task Force on Alternative Dispute Resolution

KF9084 .T37 1989 c.2


Alternative dispute resolution : skills, science and the law /
Andrew J. Pirie

KF9084 .P57 2000


Collaborative law training materials : "solving conflict with a collaborative process" / Janis M. Pritchard, David J. Carter,
R. Bradley Hunter

KF277 .D57P75 2002


Dispute resolution : beyond the adversarial model / Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow ... [et al.]

KF9084 .A75D59 2005


Dispute resolution ethics : a comprehensive guide / edited by Phyllis Bernard and Bryant Garth

KF9084 .D574 2002


Nelson on ADR / Robert M. Nelson

KF9084 .N44 2003


The theory and practice of representative negotiation / Colleen M. Hanycz, Trevor C.W. Farrow, Frederick H. Zemans

HD58.6 .H36 2008


Dispute resolution : readings and case studies / Julie Macfarlane,
general editor ; John Manwaring ... [et al.]

KF9084 .D57 2011


Negotiation / Roy J. Lewicki, David M. Saunders, Bruce Barry

HD58.6 .L49 2006


Putting items on reserve

Although physical materials cannot be added, the process of requesting course reserve items remains the same. Please use the electronic form: Put items on course reserve for my class to add items to your course reserve lists. 

Please take note of the following reminders: 

  • Please submit your course reserve list as early as possible
  • Course reserve lists are processed in the order they are received
  • There is currently a 15 item maximum 
  • Prior to requesting items for your course reserve lists please review the USask Fair Dealing Guidelines - Copyright information.

    • The Fair Dealings Guidelines explain rules around copying and percentage of books that can be shared with your students.