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Past Law Course Reserves: Evidence I (LAW 351)

Items on course reserve for Evidence I 2015/2016


Call Number

Loan Period 


Sexual offences in Canadian law / Hamish C. Stewart (102001629804)

KF9325 .A6S73 2005

2 hr


The practical guide to evidence in criminal cases /
Roger E. Salhany

KF9660 .S24 2010

2 hr


Canadian evidence law in a nutshell / Ronald J. Delisle,
Lisa Dufraimont

KF9660 .D437 2009

2 hr


The law of evidence / David M. Paciocco, Lee Stuesser (202002132792)

KF8961 .P33 2011

2 hr


Evidence : a Canadian casebook / general editor, Hamish Stewart ; contributing editors, Ronalda Murphy ... [et al.]

KF8935 .ZA2E95 2011

2 hr


Evidence : principles and problems

KF8935 .ZA2D45 2012

2 hr


The law of evidence in Canada / Sidney N. Lederman, Alan W. Bryant and Michelle K. Fuerst

KF8935 .ZA2S665 2014

2 hr


The portable guide to evidence / Michael P. Doherty (902002047245)

KF8935 .ZA2D54 2009

2 hr


Putting items on reserve

Although physical materials cannot be added, the process of requesting course reserve items remains the same. Please use the electronic form: Put items on course reserve for my class to add items to your course reserve lists. 

Please take note of the following reminders: 

  • Please submit your course reserve list as early as possible
  • Course reserve lists are processed in the order they are received
  • There is currently a 15 item maximum 
  • Prior to requesting items for your course reserve lists please review the USask Fair Dealing Guidelines - Copyright information.

    • The Fair Dealings Guidelines explain rules around copying and percentage of books that can be shared with your students.