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Past Law Course Reserves: Jurisprudence (LAW 394)

Items on course reserve for Jurisprudence 2015/2016


Call Number

Loan Period  


The Ashgate research companion to feminist legal theory / edited by Margaret Davies and Vanessa E. Munro (302002198660)

K349 .A74 2013

24 hr


Lloyd's introduction to jurisprudence

KF380 .L56 2008

2 hr


Asking the law question : the dissolution of legal theory / by Margaret Davies

K230 .D38A85 2002

3 day


Between consenting peoples : political community and the meaning of consent / edited by Jeremy Webber and
Colin M. Macleod

JC328.2 .B38 2010

24 hr


Calling power to account [electronic resource] : law, reparations and the Chinese Canadian head tax case / edited by David Dyzenhaus and Mayo Moran

KE4479.A66 .C34 2005eb



The rule of law / Tom Bingham

K3171 .B56 2010

2 hr


The case of the speluncean explorers : nine new opinions / Peter Suberz

K230 .F842S8 1998

3 day


The concept of a legal system [electronic resource] : an introduction to the theory of legal system / Joseph Raz

K230eb n/a n/a

The concept of law / by H. L. A. Hart

K237 .H3 1976 3 day 0

The construction of social reality / John R. Searle (+02000965184)

BD175 .S43 1995 3 day 0

Emergencies and the limits of legality / edited by
Victor V. Ramraj

K4700 .E42 2008 3 day 0

Epistemic injustice [electronic resource] power and the ethics of knowing / Miranda Fricker

BD176eb n/a n/a

The epistemology of resistance [electronic resource] : gender and racial oppression, epistemic injustice, and resistant imaginations / José Medina

B105.R47 M43 2013eb n/a n/a

The faces of injustice / Judith N. Shklar

K240 .S47 1990 3 day 0

Hard cases in wicked legal systems : pathologies of legality / David Dyzenhaus

K230 .H69 2007 24 hr

How law knows / edited by Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas, and Martha Merrill Umphrey

K230 .H69 2007 24 hr

Inside and outside Canadian administrative law : essays in honour of David Mullan / edited by Grant Huscroft and Michael Taggart

KF5402 .I.57 2006 3 day 0

Law against the state : ethnographic forays into law's transformations / [edited by] Julia Eckert, Brian Donahoe, Christian Strümpell, Zerrin Özlem Biner

K564 .P83L39 2012 24 hr

Legal theory and the legal academy / edited by Maksymilian Del Mar, William Twining and Michael Giudice

K230 .L44 2010  c.2 24 hr

Legalism / by Judith N. Shklar

BJ55 .S57 1964 3 day 0

Legalism : rules and categories / Paul Dresch and Judith Scheele

K487eb n/a n/a

Legality / Scott J. Shapiro

K230 .S525L44 2011 3 day 0

Legality's borders [electronic resource] : an essay in general jurisprudence / Keith Culver and Michael Giudice

K237eb n/a n/a

Making the law explicit : the normativity of legal argumentation / Matthias Klatt

K212 .K58 2008 3 day 0

Making the social world : the structure of human civilization / John R. Searle

H61 .S4475 2010eb n/a n/a

Meaning, mind and law / [edited by] Dennis Patterson (802001836134)

K235 .M43 2008 24 hr

The methodology of legal theory / edited by Michael Giudice, Wil Waluchow, and Maksymilian Del Mar

K230 .M48 2010  c.2 2 hr

On the rule of law : history, politics, theory / Brian Z. Tamanaha

K3171 .T36 2004 2 hr

On the rule of law [electronic resource] : history, politics, theory / Brian Z. Tamanaha

K3171 .T36 2004eb n/a n/a

The practice of principle [electronic resource] : in defence of a pragmatist approach to legal theory / Jules L. Coleman

K230.C64 A2 2003eb n/a n/a

Prescriptive legal positivism : law, rights and democracy / Tom Campbell

K331 .C363 2004 24 hr

Rediscovering Fuller : essays on implicit law and institutional design / edited by Willem J. Witteveen and Wibren van der Burg

K230 .F84R34 1999 24 hr

Security and human rights / edited by Benjamin J. Goold
and Liora Lazarus

K3240 .S43 2007 3 day 0

Unjust by design : Canada's administrative justice system / Ron Ellis

KF5417 .E45 2013 3 day 0

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Please take note of the following reminders: 

  • Please submit your course reserve list as early as possible
  • Course reserve lists are processed in the order they are received
  • There is currently a 15 item maximum 
  • Prior to requesting items for your course reserve lists please review the USask Fair Dealing Guidelines - Copyright information.

    • The Fair Dealings Guidelines explain rules around copying and percentage of books that can be shared with your students.