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Past Law Course Reserves: International Law: Use of Force and the Law of Armed Conflict (LAW 498 - Special Topics)

Items on course reserve for International Law (Special Topics) 2017/2018





International law and armed
conflict : fundamental principles and contemporary challenges in the law of war
/ Laurie R. Blank ;
Gregory P. Noone

KZ6385.B53 2016

4 hr OUT


International law and the use of force / Christine Gray

KZ6374.G739 2008eb

N/A 0

Public international law / John H. Currie (502001880084)

KZ3410.C87 2008

4 hr OUT


War, aggression and self-defence / Yoram Dinstein

JX4511.D55 2011 4 hr OUT 2

Adding items to your course reserves

Although physical materials cannot be added, the process of requesting course reserve items remains the same. Please use the electronic form: Put items on course reserve for my class to add items to your course reserve lists. 

Please take note of the following reminders: 

  • Please submit your course reserve list as early as possible
  • Course reserve lists are processed in the order they are received
  • There is currently a 15 item maximum 
  • Prior to requesting items for your course reserve lists please review the USask Fair Dealing Guidelines - Copyright information.

    • The Fair Dealings Guidelines explain rules around copying and percentage of books that can be shared with your students.