Conduct your search in PubMed (see link in box below).
Select the check-boxes (to the left of the title) of the articles you'd like to export.
Click the Send to: link in the upper left portion of the results area. Select Citation manager then click the Create File button.
If you are running EndNote in the background, your selected articles should automatically be imported. You may need to enter your EndNote login information.
If EndNote is not on the computer you are on, you will be prompted to save a file on your computer. You can then transfer this file to your computer running EndNote, double click it, and your articles will be imported.
Access note: PubMed is experiencing periodic disruptions in service due to ongoing US government policy development. If PubMed is not available, please try EuropePMC or OVID MEDLINE as alternate sources.
A free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally.
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