EndNote can automatically find and attach the PDF's of many articles that we have access to. We note that EndNote is not always successful finding the full text. This is a known bug that Clarivate is working on. PDFs not found automatically will have to be added manually.
On the Menu bar, click Edit -> Preferences. From here, select Find Full Text from the list on the left-hand side.
Add the URL & Authentication paths:
URL: https://sfx/usask.ca/usask?
Path: https://cyber.usask.ca/login?url=
Your screen should resemble the one below:
Hit OK. You're done!
**Note: You may want to disable the option to Automatically invoke Find Full Text on newly-imported references if you are working with large numbers of references. Leaving this enabled can put a strain on the software and your internet connection as the program searches for and downloads hundreds (or thousands!) of full-text articles.