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EndNote 20: Cochrane Library

Introduction to EndNote 20, bibliographic citation management software.

Database Link

Exporting from the Cochrane Library

  1. Conduct your search and scroll down to your results.
  2. Using the check-boxes next to the article names, select the articles to be exported.
  3. At the top of the search results, click the link Export selected citation(s).

  4. You will be prompted to select your operating system (Mac, PC or Unix) and what information to export (we recommend Citation and Abstract). Choose your options accordingly and click Export Citation.
  5. A file will be saved to your computer. Remember where it is for later.**
  6. Open EndNote and select the Import function (Green arrow in the menu bar, or File -> Import -> File...

  7. Using Choose... button, find the downloaded file from Cochrane Library.
  8. For Import Option, select Cochrane Library (Wiley). If it is not on the list, select Other Filters to select Cochrane Library (Wiley) from the larger list. When done, click the Import button.

  9. Your references should now be imported into EndNote!

**In some browers for PC, you are given the option to Open with or Save File. If possible, select Open with and use the Other... option to select EndNote. This will save you from needing to complete all other steps!