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Critical Thinking Tutorial: Summary

This tutorial will empower you with valuable critical thinking skills that are essential for your university education.

Key Takeaways from this Module

Critical thinking is a fundamental component of the learning you will do at university. It encourages you to actively question, evaluate, and challenge information to develop well-rounded and logical perspectives. By cultivating your critical thinking skills, you will be better equipped to succeed, both academically and professionally. Here are a few of the key takeaways from this module:

  • Definitions of critical thinking may vary between disciplines, but they all share the common goal of enhancing learning by improving your analytical and informed decision-making skills.
  • Your primary goal as a critical thinker is to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information effectively. This enables you to make better judgments and decisions based on unbiased, logical, and well-reasoned assessments.
  • Good critical thinkers exhibit qualities such as curiosity, inquisitiveness, and the ability to ask probing questions.
  • Competent critical thinkers resist groupthink, maintain skepticism toward the information they consume, examine underlying assumptions, and actively challenge reasoning while uncovering potential biases.
  • As a university student, your work will be assessed based on your ability to think critically. Therefore, developing a solid working definition of critical thinking is essential for your academic success.
  • It is important to recognize that critical thinking is distinct from criticism. It encourages you to question and understand the perspectives, origins, and motivations behind information sources, helping you develop a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

If you require further clarification, these two-minute videos provide a succinct summary.

Source: What is Critical Thinking by

Source: What is Critical Thinking? by MacatEdu



Engage in Critical Reflection

In the next module, you will explore ways to comprehend and interpret information so you can think more critically about the information you consume.

Before moving on, complete the self-reflection exercise that follows. This process will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and how your existing knowledge and experiences shape your perspectives. By actively challenging your beliefs, values, and attitudes, you are engaging in a double-loop process that will ultimately prepare you to think more critically, make informed judgments, and adopt new ways of thinking and doing.