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Clinical Medicine: For Instructors

Direct Linking to eJournals

Want to know how to find, edit and insert permanent links from the Library's online articles directly into Blackboard, websites, course pages, Word and PowerPoint documents, emails, etc?

See the Direct Linking online guide

Need images for teaching?

The resources below allow you to download images, use the images for teaching (e.g., ppt, handouts) with attribution, and save powerpoints/handouts to a password protected educational content management system (e.g., Blackboard, one45).

Anatomy.Tv -  This products provides "3D interactive models of human anatomy. Intuitive controls allow the user to zoom, rotate and peel away layers to educate and communicate..."


University of Saskatchewan copyright guide:

Faculty Development -- College of Medicine

Faculty development (FD) is here to support you in those areas of your work that include teaching (all levels of learners), research (to help get you started), leadership (including assuming educational leadership roles), wellness for you and your learners and more. Visit to find out more.