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Getting Started in Grad School: 6.5 Extracurricular Opportunities

Embracing Extracurricular Opportunities

Getting involved in activities on or off campus is a great way to meet new people, take a break from your studies, and have fun! 

Consider some of the following opportunities*

Picture from Pride parade

Photo by Jeff Drake on USask Flickr

Not sure what's happening on campus?

Personalize your PAWS channel to stay up-to-date.

News, events, and opportunities are posted regularly.

Your Turn

Decorative image

Review the list above and add other opportunities you would like to experience during your graduate program. 

What are the top three extracurricular opportunities you would like to explore in the coming months? 

*Information for this section was adapted from the "Your graduate student experience" section of The USask Grad Student Independent Development Plan, from the College and Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (page 12).